Penulis: Akhmad Faisal
Ukuran: 20×20 cm
Halaman: x + 106 hlm.
ISBN: Proses pengajuan
Batik-making begins with designing, and the waxing, and finally coloring. This book covers these three bacis skills in batik-making, giving us better understanding of the process.
Such insight is plenty resourceful, especially when we, in our attempt to make our own batik, discover a stumbling block. We would know where it went wrong .
This book is not only aimed at catering batik students who learn batik-making at Rumah Batik TBIG but also enrich batik literature in Indonesia. For Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk, Rumah Batik TBIG is solid evidence of our love, devotion, and commitment to the motherland. Rumah Batik TBIG program is our concrete contribution in preserving the nation’s cultural heritage. This program enables TBIG to provide technical and entrepreneurship trainings for youths, which includes our disabled brothers and sisters. In addition to the training, TBIG also provide financial and capital access and product distribution.
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